Wednesday, November 24, 2010

AgriAction - Roundup Ready Sugar Beets


1 comment:

  1. I know this comment will have me labeled as "Anti-progress" or "anti-technology" which is funny since I have spent 25 years working in the high tech industry...but here goes.

    I worry about changing DNA in anything and turning it loose into the environment. Do we really know all the implications and unintended consequences? I really doubt it. Is this one GM product going to end the world? Probably not. But what about when we have 1000's of GM crops released...Seems like we are just asking for trouble. And Monsanto's motivation...creating products to enable them to sell more herbacides.

    Will all crops or products made or sold using this new "Technology" be required to be labeled as GM so I can "Choose" not to buy or eat it. If past is prolog, the big farm industry would fight such labeling. Remember rBST in dairy cows.

    Eric McGilp


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